Welcome to our cult…ivation group’s very own custom hosted wiki website. This site will exist as a living repository of what we learn as a community garden group for hopefully years to come! I (Bryce) purchased the domain name for the next decade, so it is not going anywhere!
The sky’s the limit! I think I’m going to make some placeholder pages for some topic ideas. Some thoughts so far:
If you navigate to any page on this website, there is a comment section. That could be a good way to start, but ultimately we will want to organize the info into a wikipedia style article for that page. You can send me information on the WhatsApp group OR, if anyone would like, I can show you how to edit the pages directly and add your own information. I only ask, if you send me information to upload, that it be ready to be put into a wiki style article (or at least as much as possible); so on a succinct topic, non-rambling, etc. I can split things up a little bit into subheadings, but I don’t want a dissertation on a topic that you transcribed with voice-to-text that has 10 topics and no subheadings. We can talk about it more and make a standard operating procedure for submitting information or editing the pages.
A final note: this website is not private. It is publicly facing. Anyone with the url can view it (I don’t believe they should be able to edit it though unless they have my login info). That being said, probably don’t put any names, addresses, emails or phone numbers on here that you don’t mind being out there :)